가을의 길 1

하늘 No.92 [연작] 5231
가을의 길 1 Photo-Image

[Eric Bibb] She's Still With Me  

가을의 길 1
가을의 길 1 Photo-Image

가을의 길 1

한껏 숙이면
발 아래
나의 삶이
비치는 거울이 있다.

이 길을
걸을 때면
낙엽의 소리로
나에게 이야기한다.
Autumn road 1

If I bow down my eyes under feet.
There is a mirror that reflects my life.

As I walk down this path,
The sound of autumn leaves talk to me.

- 하늘의 세상을 보는 마음 -

No. A1 *
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No. C1
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No. C3
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No. D1
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No. D4
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No. Z1 *
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No. Z2
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Photography : 하늘 Edited, Arranged, Produced : 하늘 2004.10.09 - 2004.10.10 강원도 인제, 곰배령 Leica Minilux Zoom Leica Vario-Elmar 35-70mm f/3.5-6.5 Fuji X-TRA 400 Kodak T400CN, Gold 100 [Special Thanks] burett님, 돌돌이님 : 좋은 카메라를 구해 주셨습니다. 모노님 : 먼 길을 안전하고 편하게 운전해 주셨습니다. 모리님 : 모델해 주셔서 감사합니다. 즐거운 식사 시간이었습니다. 류비아님 : 멋진 출사지를 소개해 주셨습니다. 곰배령 입구의 할아버지 (Z1) : 커피 감사합니다. 지나가는 행인일 뿐인데 삶의 이야기를 보여 주심에 감사합니다. SkyMoon.info 가을의 길 1 Photo-Image [Eric Bibb] She's Still With Me (Just Like Love)
가을의 길 1 Photo-Image
Aunt Laura's love's like a lantern shining in my life From her window somewhere in heaven Guiding me, guiding me Closing my eyes I can remember summer days in New Mexico Yes, it's her smile I can see warming me She's still with me, this I know She's still with me wherever I go Deep in my soul I know She's still with me Aunt Laura laugh I do recall Rolling like a wave Yes, I can feel it washing my troubles Clean away, clean away We would play cards 'round the table With my great-grandma in Albuquerque There was sand storms and tumble weeds tumbling Through the air everywhere Aunt Laura's love's like a lantern shining in my life From her window somewhere in heaven Always there guiding me She's still with me, this I know She's still with me wherever I go Deep in my soul I know She's still with me She's still with me Deep in my soul I know She's still with me


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