가을 햇살

하늘 No.486 [연작] 4366
가을 햇살 Photo-Image

[Gil Shaham] Schubert - Sonata in A minor D821 (Arpeggione) 2.Adagio  

가을 햇살
가을 햇살 Photo-Image

가을 햇살

내가 평생 보았던 햇살과 하늘보다
낙엽이 보았던 그것이
더 많을지도 모르겠다.
Fall sunshine

These falling leaves may have seen more sunshine and sky than I have ever seen in my life.

- 하늘의 세상을 보는 마음 -

No. A1
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No. A2
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No. A4
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No. B1
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No. B2 *
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No. B3
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No. B4
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No. C1 *
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No. C2
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No. C3
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No. C4
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No. C5
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No. C6
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No. C7
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No. D1
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No. D2
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No. D3
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No. D4
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No. D5
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No. D6 *
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No. E1
가을 햇살 Photo-Image

Photography : 하늘 Edited, Arranged, Produced : 하늘 2022.11.19 - 2022.11.20 대전 소제동 (철도 관사촌) 청양 칠갑산 장곡사 Info : [문화PD] 100년의 기억을 담은 소제동 철도관사촌 Sony A7II Leica M Summilux 35mm f/1.4 Titan [Special Thanks] Muni, 윤슬 : 즐거운 출사였습니다 SkyMoon.info 가을 햇살 Photo-Image
[Gil Shaham + Göran Söllscher] Schubert - Sonata in A minor D821 (Arpeggione) 2.Adagio (Schubert for Two) 가을 햇살 Photo-Image https://youtu.be/3WM6Yka9nJo https://youtu.be/iSxmiZ-RwUM https://youtu.be/SDmJ-MbH3IE


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