Best of 2020 Time lapses.

Best of 2020 Time lapses.
Green Timelapse

First of all !!! Thank you to everyone who watched my channel in 2020 !!!
Thanks all likes and comments to help improove the channel!

2020 in numbers (first year):
-Subscribers:  0 --- 41.000
-Views:  0 --- 8.600.000
-Many likes and comment  

하루쯤은 세상일 다 잊고 그냥 나무그늘에 누워서 파랗게 맑은 하늘을 눈부셔하면서 기분 좋게 낮잠 한숨 자고픈 날이 있다 [하늘-어느 한가한 하루]