꽃과 봄 (Flower and Spring)
* 꽃과 봄
봄이 오니 꽃이 핀다.
꽃이 피니 봄이 왔다.
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* Flower and Spring
Spring has come, so flower blooms.
Flower blooms, so it is spring.
* 꽃과 봄 (Flower and Spring)
= https://skymoon.info/a/PhotoEssay/563
봄이 오니 꽃이 핀다.
꽃이 피니 봄이 왔다.
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* Flower and Spring
Spring has come, so flower blooms.
Flower blooms, so it is spring.
* 꽃과 봄 (Flower and Spring)
= https://skymoon.info/a/PhotoEssay/563
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