[Birdy] Just Like A River Does (Piano Sketches-2020)

[Birdy] Just Like A River Does (Piano Sketches-2020)


I always cry on the train back home
Watching the world outside I used to know
As soon as I get there, I have to go
​집으로 돌아가는 기차에서 언제나 울곤 했어.
항상 보던 창밖 풍경을 보면서...
그곳에 도착하자말자 다시 떠나야 해.

And the years go by
I don't even know where I've been
In the blink of an eye
Could've all been a dream
Will I ever find somewhere to call my own?
As soon as I get there, I have to go
세월을 흘러 보내며
난 어디에 있는지도 모르겠어.
눈 깜작할 새 꿈처럼 사라질 것 같은데
나만의 곳을 찾을 수 있을까?
그곳에 도착하자말자 다시 떠나야 해.

With two hands, meant to shape the land
Just like a river does
Just like a river does
내 두손으로 새로운 곳을 일구어야 해.
마치 강이 그러하듯...
마치 강이 그러하듯...

​Another day breaks and I have to go away
Run like a river does
On and on like a river does
새로운 날이 저물고, 나는 떠나야 해.
마치 강이 그러하듯
강이 언제나 흘러 가듯이...

And the landscape has changed
Since last I was here
Some people stay And some disappear
But I always remember this part of me
And I can't help but wonder how I ever leave
내가 여기 머문 뒤로 풍경이 많이 바뀌었어.
누구는 머물고 누구는 떠나가
하지만 언제나 나의 일부를 기억할꺼야.
가끔 나는 어떻게 떠날지 궁금해.

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So I bottle the sound of the wind in the trees
Follow the salt in the air down to the sea
그렇게 나무를 스쳐가는 바람소리를 병에 담아서
바다로 가는 소금 향기를 따라가.

​Just like a river does
Just live a river does
마치 강이 그러하듯...
마치 강이 그러하듯...

- 번역 : 하늘

* 좋은 인생 (A good life)
= https://skymoon.info/a/PhotoPoem/361
[Birdy] Just Like A River Does (Piano Sketches-2020) Photo-Image


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