
하늘 No.519 [연작] 4176
지름길 Photo-Image

[Russell Malone] Handful Of Stars  

지름길 Photo-Image


정말 지름길이었으면
그냥 길이라 불렸을 것이다.

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If the shortcut was really a shortcut, 
it would have been called just a road.

- 하늘의 세상을 보는 마음 -

No. A1
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No. D2
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Photography : 하늘 Edited, Arranged, Produced : 하늘 2023.01.28 충남 서천 비인면 선도리 다사항 Sony A7II Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L, EF 50mm f/1.8, EF 135mm f/2L [Special Thanks] 심상 풍경 (Mind Scenery) SkyMoon.info 지름길 Photo-Image
[Russell Malone] Handful Of Stars (Heartstrings) 지름길 Photo-Image https://youtu.be/b9TufOzgUDM


무엇보다도 너 자신에게 진실하라 [셰익스피어]