[Aoife Clancy] Reconciliation (Silvery Moon)

[Aoife Clancy] Reconciliation (Silvery Moon) Photo-Image
[Aoife Clancy] Reconciliation (Silvery Moon)


When summer time has come
And autumn winds are threatening
To blow our love away
It's then love will be tested.
Arm in arm we'll stand,
Side by side together
To face the common foe
That would tear our love asunder.
Tura lura lay
Tura lura laddie
Tura lura lay
Tura lura laddie

You fair weathered friend
Where are you now I need you
Unlike the autumn sun
A cold December morning
When hard times come around
In cold and stormy weather
There's only you and I, my love
To shelter one another
Tura lura lay
Tura lura laddie
Tura lura lay
Tura lura laddie
Now there's a time to fight,


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