[Passenger] Feather on the Clyde

Feather on the Clyde - Passenger
클라이드 강 위의 깃털 - 패신져
"Feather On The Clyde"
Well there's a river that runs through Glasgow
글라스고를 가로지르는 강이 있어요
And makes her but it breaks her and takes her into the parks
강은 그녀를 만들고, 부수고, 산산조각 내버리죠
And her current just like my blood flows
내 피가 흐르는 것 같이
Down from the hills, round aching bones to my restless heart
언덕으로부터 흘러 내려와, 나의 불안한 마음을 위해 아픈 뼈를 감싸죠
Well I would swim but the river is so wide
수영을 할 수 있지만 강이 너무 넓어
And I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
건너편으로 넘어갈 수 없을 것 같아 두려운 걸
Well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
나는 실패했지만 시도했다는 것을 신만은 아실 테지
I long for something that's safe and warm
나는 안전함과 따뜻함을 갈망해
But all I have is all that is gone
하지만 내가 가진 모든 것은 사라져 버렸어
I'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
나는 클라이드 강 위의 깃털처럼 무기력하고 절망적이야
(* 여기서 Clyde는 두 가지 의미로 쓰이는 듯하다 1. 글라스고를 가로지르는 River Clyde 2. 얼간이)
well on one side all the lights glow
한 편에서는 모든 빛이 빛나고
and the folks know and the kids go where the music and the drinking starts
사람들은 음악과 술이 시작되면 아이들이 어디로 가는지 알고 있지
on the other side where no cars go
차가 다니지 않는 반대편
up to the hills that stand alone like my restless heart
나의 불안한 마음같이 홀로 서 있는 언덕까지
well i would swim but the river is so wide
수영을 할 수 있지만 강이 너무 넓어
and i'm scared i won't make it to the other side
건너편으로 넘어갈 수 없을 것 같아 두려운 걸
well god knows I've failed but he knows that I've tried
나는 실패했지만 시도했다는 것을 신만은 아실 테지
i long for something that's safe and warm
나는 안전함과 따뜻함을 갈망해
but all i have is all that is gone
하지만 내가 가진 모든 것은 사라져 버렸어
i'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
나는 클라이드 강 위의 깃털처럼 무기력하고 절망적이야
well the sun sets late in Glasgow
글라스고의 늦은 해가 지고
and the daylight and the city part
햇빛과 도시가 멀어지면
and i think of you in Glasgow
글라스고에 있는 당신을 생각해
cos you're all that's safe, you're all that's warm in my restless heart
당신이 바로 그 모든 안전함이자, 따뜻함의 전부니까 내 불안한 마음속에 있는
Well there's a river that runs through Glasgow
And makes her but it breaks her and takes her into the parks
And her current just like my blood flows
Down from the hills, round aching bones to my restless heart
Well I would swim but the river is so wide
And I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
Well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
I long for something that's safe and warm
But all I have is all that is gone
I'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
Well on one side all the lights glow
And the folks know and the kids go where the music and the drinking starts
On the other side where no cars go
Up to the hills that stand alone like my restless heart
Well I would swim but the river is so wide
And I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
Well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
I long for something that's safe and warm
But all I have is all that is gone
I'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
Well the sun sets late in Glasgow
And the daylight and the city part
And I think of you in Glasgow
Cos you're all that's safe, you're all that's warm in my restless heart
클라이드 강 위의 깃털 - 패신져
"Feather On The Clyde"
Well there's a river that runs through Glasgow
글라스고를 가로지르는 강이 있어요
And makes her but it breaks her and takes her into the parks
강은 그녀를 만들고, 부수고, 산산조각 내버리죠
And her current just like my blood flows
내 피가 흐르는 것 같이
Down from the hills, round aching bones to my restless heart
언덕으로부터 흘러 내려와, 나의 불안한 마음을 위해 아픈 뼈를 감싸죠
Well I would swim but the river is so wide
수영을 할 수 있지만 강이 너무 넓어
And I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
건너편으로 넘어갈 수 없을 것 같아 두려운 걸
Well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
나는 실패했지만 시도했다는 것을 신만은 아실 테지
I long for something that's safe and warm
나는 안전함과 따뜻함을 갈망해
But all I have is all that is gone
하지만 내가 가진 모든 것은 사라져 버렸어
I'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
나는 클라이드 강 위의 깃털처럼 무기력하고 절망적이야
(* 여기서 Clyde는 두 가지 의미로 쓰이는 듯하다 1. 글라스고를 가로지르는 River Clyde 2. 얼간이)
well on one side all the lights glow
한 편에서는 모든 빛이 빛나고
and the folks know and the kids go where the music and the drinking starts
사람들은 음악과 술이 시작되면 아이들이 어디로 가는지 알고 있지
on the other side where no cars go
차가 다니지 않는 반대편
up to the hills that stand alone like my restless heart
나의 불안한 마음같이 홀로 서 있는 언덕까지
well i would swim but the river is so wide
수영을 할 수 있지만 강이 너무 넓어
and i'm scared i won't make it to the other side
건너편으로 넘어갈 수 없을 것 같아 두려운 걸
well god knows I've failed but he knows that I've tried
나는 실패했지만 시도했다는 것을 신만은 아실 테지
i long for something that's safe and warm
나는 안전함과 따뜻함을 갈망해
but all i have is all that is gone
하지만 내가 가진 모든 것은 사라져 버렸어
i'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
나는 클라이드 강 위의 깃털처럼 무기력하고 절망적이야
well the sun sets late in Glasgow
글라스고의 늦은 해가 지고
and the daylight and the city part
햇빛과 도시가 멀어지면
and i think of you in Glasgow
글라스고에 있는 당신을 생각해
cos you're all that's safe, you're all that's warm in my restless heart
당신이 바로 그 모든 안전함이자, 따뜻함의 전부니까 내 불안한 마음속에 있는
Well there's a river that runs through Glasgow
And makes her but it breaks her and takes her into the parks
And her current just like my blood flows
Down from the hills, round aching bones to my restless heart
Well I would swim but the river is so wide
And I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
Well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
I long for something that's safe and warm
But all I have is all that is gone
I'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
Well on one side all the lights glow
And the folks know and the kids go where the music and the drinking starts
On the other side where no cars go
Up to the hills that stand alone like my restless heart
Well I would swim but the river is so wide
And I'm scared I won't make it to the other side
Well God knows I've failed but He knows that I've tried
I long for something that's safe and warm
But all I have is all that is gone
I'm as helpless and as hopeless as a feather on the Clyde
Well the sun sets late in Glasgow
And the daylight and the city part
And I think of you in Glasgow
Cos you're all that's safe, you're all that's warm in my restless heart
![[Passenger] Feather on the Clyde Photo-Image](https://heisme.skymoon.info/gb/data/file/p_forum02m/460745503_hVrCSsGP_0d6a3a2b8c19c9da19db6d5ca0fdad486903b9cf.jpg)