What Dinosaurs ACTUALLY Looked Like? (공룡은 실제로 어떻게 생겼을까)

What Dinosaurs ACTUALLY Looked Like? (공룡은 실제로 어떻게 생겼을까)
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

As the year 12,021 slowly comes to an end, we present to you the 12,022 Human Era Calendar: Eons Edition.
You can get the very shiny, high-quality, limited edition now until we sell out and then never again. WORLDWIDE SHIPPING AVAILABLE.

The past is a vast and mysterious land that begins at the big bang and ends in the present, expanding with each passing moment.
It is the home of everything that came before, the key to understanding our present.
Here we find the most amazing creatures to ever roam our planet, hundreds of millions of species so diverse that our imagination cannot do them justice. Unfortunately the past carefully guards its secrets.



삶을 살아가는 방법은 두 가지 뿐이다. 하나는 세상에는 기적이랄 게 없다는 생각이며 다른 하나는 모든 것이 기적이라 바라 보는 것이다 [아인쉬타인]

[Kurzgesagt] 외로움 :영상

[영상] 하늘 0 3,519