Iceland Aerial 4K - Stefan Forster Photography

Iceland Aerial 4K - Stefan Forster Photography
Stefan ForsterPRO

This footage has been taken on a 2 month trip trough Iceland in Summer / Fall 2016. The drones I've used for this movie are the DJI Inspire Pro, DJI Phantom 4 and DJI Phantom 4 Pro (Prototype) the other 90% of the footage I'll post in upcoming videos.

The life of a photographer is changing - 10 years ago it was enough to have great shots, today you have to be photographer, cinematographer, photoworkshop-teacher, director and all together. Almost 4 years ago I bought my first drone (30lbs heavy, 8 motors, Nikon D800E on the gimbal) - since then the drones became smaller and easier to fly. Drone photography and videography has become very important for my work, so let's hope they will be allowed in the future.

Info for the drone pilots:
The close flights I flew in the "Sport" mode - the P-Mode and the sensors of the phantom would not have allow this.

More infos:
More infos about the car:
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