
하늘 No.163 [연작] 5464
흔적 Photo-Image

[Kent] Before it all ends  

흔적 Photo-Image
풀 - 기형도 [사랑을 잃고 나는 쓰네] - 나는 맹장을 달고도 초식할 줄 모르는 부끄러운 동물이다 긴 설움을 잠으로 흐르는 구름 속을 서성이며 팔뚝 위로 정맥을 드러내고 흔들리는 영혼으로 살았다 빈 몸을 데리고 네 앞에 서면 네가 흔드는 손짓은 서러우리만치 푸른 신호 아아 밤을 지키며 토해낸 사랑이여 그것은 어둠을 떠받치고 날을 세운 그 아름다운 혼인 것이냐 이제는 부리를 내리리라 차라리 웃음을 울어야 하는 풀이 되어 부대끼며 살아보자 발을 얽고 흐느껴보자 맑은 날 바람이 불어 멍든 배를 쓸고 지나면 가슴을 울쿼 솟구친 네가 된 나의 노래는 떼지어 서걱이며 이리 저리 떠돌 것이다
- 하늘의 세상을 보는 마음 - No. A1 흔적 Photo-Image No. A2 * 흔적 Photo-Image No. B1 * 흔적 Photo-Image No. B2 흔적 Photo-Image No. B3 흔적 Photo-Image No. B4 흔적 Photo-Image No. B5 흔적 Photo-Image No. C1 흔적 Photo-Image No. C2 흔적 Photo-Image No. C3 흔적 Photo-Image No. C4 * 흔적 Photo-Image

Photography : 하늘 Edited, Arranged, Produced : 하늘 2003.09.11 경북 안동 와룡 Yashica T5D - With Super Scope (Waist level finder) Carlzeiss T* Tessar 35mm F3.5 Fuji Reala 100 [Special Thanks] 달룡님: 좋은 음악 감사 드립니다. SkyMoon.info 흔적 Photo-Image [Kent] Before it all ends (Isoa)

흔적 Photo-Image https://youtu.be/0EldSxPcqDo
Modern thoughts about each other Can't make you shine out any brighter Antique promises uncovered When we stop breathing for each other We're drained of our will Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Is there still time before it all ends Finally I found the words to tell you I caught your hands under our table There's still time for us to grow up Closer to the sun before the summer slides to October Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Is there still time before it all ends Empty gunshells in a park station The hollow ring of our growing impatience I knew you'd equal the occasion My hand in your hand while the others Are dragged in the flow Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Is there still time before it all ends Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Are you happy now? Is there still time before it all ends


전지한 존재에게 가장 큰 욕망은 무지이다 [하늘]